How to choose a web framework ?

Published on 25 November 2022

Ouch, you have just launched your web project and here are the first difficulties...

How to sort out and choose a framework from all those available for your new site ? Indeed, there are a plethora of them, and it is difficult to differentiate them.

We offer you 6 tips from our expert to help you make your choice.


6 tips to make the right choice


  1. Identify your business needs

It's the art of asking the right questions.

What should your website do ? What services should it provide ? Is it similar to a CMS or is it a completely new and specific application ? What should your site feature ?

All these questions must be clearly asked beforehand in order to determine the best solution.

Does your website need to store data ? And therefore, does your website require a database ?

If your need is a business already covered (CMS, Business Intelligence, monitoring, ...), then it is likely that a tool already exists to meet your needs.


  1. Have an overall knowledge of the available frameworks

Here is a list of the main frameworks :

Webs Frameworks :

Flutter : framework created in 2018 by Google. Very useful for mobile application development.

ReactJS : one of the most used frameworks, it is related to the JavaScript language.

Angular : it is also a very popular framework. Also in JavaScript.

TypeScript : it is an open-source framework made by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript.

Vue.js : it is also another framework that runs on JavaScript.



Drupal : it is a PHP and open-source CMS, it is free. Ideal for developing back-end applications and websites.

WordPress : it is a CMS written in PHP and based on a MySQL database. This CMS is ergonomic and fast to use.


Server framework :

NodeJS : it is a back-end framework that works in JavaScript. It is one of the best frameworks for developing web applications.

Symfony : it's a PHP framework. It is used to develop websites. It is a flexible and easy-to-use tool.

Spring : it is a back-end framework usable with Java. To be used only if you master this language. : it is a framework developed by Microsoft. In particular, it allows you to code websites and complex applications in HTML in a fairly precise manner. Ideal for creating "responsive" projects.


  1. Manage the skills of the development team

There is no need to launch your team on a subject on which they are not competent. Indeed, knowing how to surround yourself with the right people is one thing, but you must also provide them with the right solutions. This will save you valuable time, but also significant financial resources.

Therefore, if your team of developers is small, then the size of the framework community is an important parameter.

Indeed, it is wise to bet on a well-known and proven framework with a large and available community in order to secure your team and thus your developments.

It may even be wise to consider a paid framework to benefit from 24/7 support and professional quality.


  1. How to choose your host

Hosting is an essential point to have in mind when choosing a framework.

For example, if your host is OVH or AWS, they can provide managed services that will allow you to have a professional quality service and therefore peace of mind.


  1. Getting help

It can be interesting to be accompanied by professionals outside your company. By an ESN (like Citech 😉 ) for example. ESNs have many resources that have excellent knowledge of frameworks and can help you in many areas :

- Technical choices

- Definition of the need

- Development

- Training courses


  1. Knowledge of client/server web architectures

It is also preferable to have knowledge of client/server architecture and web standards. This knowledge can easily be acquired from a training organization or from the specialist consultants of an ESN.


You now have all the keys in hand to make your project a success 😉

And if you need help, don't hesitate to contact us by filling out our contact form on our website.


Editing : Jérémy Colombet & Sophie Berbey.


To go further, here are other articles on the subject of frameworks :

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