Digital Factory Application Solutions

Our Forge is built on tools
and proven software.

Digital Factory : presentation

We have developed a unit that brings together our nuggets ready to work on innovative projects.
We develop software, web applications and much more.

We also do research on future topics such as Block Chain, IoT, or AI.
Our Digital Factory is all about taking IT to the next level.

Download our brochure!

  • Quality / safety audit
  • Consulting
    • Industrialization / automation of development processes
    • Design / Software solutions

Share your functional specifications with us and we will deliver your turnkey solution.

We welcome and train work-study students
and employees to innovative technologies.


Experts dans les solutions applicatives, nous accompagnons la transformation digitale des organisations.

Custom Multichannel Web Applications

Our team follows an efficient methodology to accompany you throughout your project. First of all, you get in touch with
with our Business Manager, during your various exchanges you will be asked to send your functional specifications.
If you don't have one, it will help you formalize your project.

After this formalization, our experts will carry out a technical study of your project in order to propose you a model.
Following your validation, the realization of your custom multi-channel web application will begin; you will follow the progress step by step!

Open-Source CMS Solutions Integration

We design and integrate solutions (web application, website). They are collaborative and decentralized. We are working on
with different open-source software. They will allow you to manage and update your websites or mobile applications
in an autonomous and dynamic way by having access to the back-office.

There are several types of CMS, it is necessary to choose the right one according to different criteria: the purpose of the website, the technical level and many others.
Our experts will advise you in order to make the best decision.

E-commerce - PrestaShop

It is an Open-Source web application, developed in France, which allows you to create an online store. It is adapted to the needs of very small businesses.
Its functional richness and its developments for international use are assets for the platform.

Designed to manage simultaneously: the product catalog, orders, promotions and deliveries.


Drupal is a free and open-source CMS (content management system).
It is published under the GNU General Public License and written by PHP.
It allows to create very secure websites in a faster and more efficient way
than HTML/CSS programming.

Drupal has an integrated control system that is very developed.

It allows you to create new roles with individual permissions.

Support process & digital tools

By entrusting your project to our experts at the Digital Factory, you benefit from personalized and optimized support. We use the latest technology to deliver a quality application solution.

Development platform : Forge

It aims to optimize the work of our web developers. They can work simultaneously
on the development of your application solution.

Engineering methodology: SCRUM

This agile method is based on 3 pillars: transparency, inspection and adaptation. It allows to facilitate
our exchanges and the progress of your project.

DevOps CI/CD approach

CI/CD approach ensures constant automation and monitoring throughout the life cycle

Digital Lab

We do R&D on different IT topics: AI, BIG DATA, IoT, M2M, Blockchain etc.

Application solutions
Digital Factory is...
Innovation & Performance
Digital transformation

Information request

Tell us about your project.

We are able to accompany you in a personalized way, in order to realize your digital project. Our teams are ready to discuss with you and advise you on the best solution to meet your expectations.
Do not hesitate to contact us so that one of our Business Managers can help you with your digital project.

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