Do you know about cloud computing ? Of course ! You must have heard about it so many times. But in reality, what does this mean ? Good question ! We have decided to bring you all the essential information you need to know about cloud computing. Indeed, it is a major element in the digital transformation of an entity. It is a more complex notion than it seems. But at Citech, we have the art of simplifying your life by offering you clear and concise content. Our article is cloud computing for dummies.
Cloud computing : the definition
Cloud computing is the French term (that's good to know) for cloud computing, also called the cloud. It is the dematerialization and outsourcing of the computer system that offers its users the possibility to store and save data online.
The data is outsourced partially or entirely to remote servers, rented from service providers according to two main criteria: the level of storage and the bandwidth. These servers are secured and monitored by a third party.
The different services of cloud computing
Let's get to the heart of the matter, now that you know what the cloud is, we'll introduce you to some other aspects.
Cloud computing has a plural character. The main difference lies in who manages the IT system: either the user or the third-party provider. Here are four types of services :
- Iaas, Infrastructure as a Service: the entire computer system is hosted and managed by the third party provider: the hardware (servers, networks...) as well as the software (software, applications...). In addition, it manages maintenance and updates.
- The Paas, Platform as a Service: the user has the possibility to create applications thanks to a more developed technical environment. The user benefits from greater flexibility that offers faster application design and delivery.
- Saas, Software as a Service: the provider delivers a turnkey solution to the user. The computer system is hosted and operated on a remote interface by the service provider. The software applications are ready to use and accessible via a web browser and a secure internet connection. The classic offer available to the general public is composed of an email and collaborative tools such as Office 365 or G-Suite.
The different types of cloud computing
Our experts still have a lot to share with you, you are not yet familiar with the subject of cloud computing. There are three types of clouds.
This is the most used solution, it is efficient, economical and 100% managed by the service provider. Here, the word "public" does not mean accessible by any person. This means that your data is stored on multiple remote servers that are within reach of other users (those with whom you share the cloud space).
We use the term "sharing" because the IT infrastructure you use via the public cloud does not belong to you. As a result, all of the service provider's customers share the same cloud platform as you, but obviously (and fortunately) they do not have access to your personal data.
The main public cloud providers are very well known, we find Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services or Alibaba Cloud.
Unlike the former, here the service provider dedicates the entire IT infrastructure to a single entity. Therefore, you have private servers on which your data is stored. You have full control over all resources. You have two choices: either the servers are managed and administered internally by your teams or in datacenters that the external provider manages.
The private cloud is preferred for organizations whose business requires a high level of security and flexibility that allows the cloud environment to be adapted as needs change.
It is the fusion of the two previous clouds, a platform dedicated to one entity within a public cloud environment. More and more companies are opting for the hybrid cloud. Depending on the needs of the company, it is possible to switch between the two types of cloud.
Advice: take the time to compare the different types of clouds in order to choose the one that best suits your needs and fits your structure.
The cloud: how and why should you use it ?
There are many benefits associated with using the cloud. First of all, as mentioned above, there is data protection. The data hosted by the servers can be accessed through different access points via a secure internet connection. Each user has a personal account (login and password) to connect.
In addition, the cloud allows you to have a more mobile and flexible structure within your company. The data is accessible in real time, several collaborators can have access to it simultaneously or not, the work can be done remotely without the fear of data loss. Indeed, using the cloud means accessing all your shared files from any device, remotely, thanks to an internet connection.
In addition, you benefit froma reduction in your costs (no more need to own powerful but very expensive software) as well as time savings (no need to manage your own servers).
However, cloud computing has its limits. Indeed, there are some disadvantages that are important to know.
What are the limitations of using the cloud ?
We are aware of the advantages of cloud computing for a company. However, there are also limits.
The provider has control over all your data and can use it for commercial purposes for example. You must have complete confidence in him. However, you are not safe from an attack such as hacking.
Therefore, we recommend that you follow the instructions of the CNIL in order to limit the risks (identify the data that will be stored on the cloud, subscribe to additional guarantees to ensure the protection of stored data...).
When working with the cloud, we are dependent because we necessarily need an efficient and fluid internet connection. This is necessary in order to access, modify and save the files again.
However, there is now the possibility to have an "offline" access to the Google drive for example.
We agree that not all providers offer the same quality of service. Therefore, some features are free but limited and it is required to pay in order to benefit from the superior version (more storage, more features...).
We are not safe from a technical problem, the provider is in charge of maintenance and updates but in the meantime, not having the hand on it, we can be penalized the time of the repair.
Yes, we agree, that's a lot ! You have had a lot of information on the subject, presented in a fun and pleasant way (you'll give us that). Our advice is to compare several providers before making your choice.
If you have a project, a need within your company, contact us, our experts will accompany you with professionalism to achieve your goals !
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