The ESN, digital services companies, formerly called SSII, IT engineering services company, are companies that accompany their customers in their digital transformations.
In this article, we will introduce you to CITECH and the general functioning of an ESN. It was in 2013 that Jérôme Frossard, with 20 years of experience in the IT field, founded the company CITECH. Today, we are supported by 80 employees throughout France, which makes CITECH a human-sized ESN.
Aware that the choice of an ESN is not to be taken lightly, we would like to share with you the reasons why it is recommended to work with an ESN like CITECH.
The main IT offers of ESNs
NSEs, by their structure, generally offer two main types of intervention.
1 On-site offer (or Technical Assistance)
Our consultants are our strength: the more consultants an ESN has, the more weight it has on the market. Indeed, the first type of intervention is the service in control: the consultants intervene within the internal structure of the customers. Billing is done on a monthly basis according to the Daily Rate and the number of days worked on the mission. We opt for this offer in order to avoid our client recruiting a talent for a short or medium term project. Since 2013, at Citech, we have been offeringtechnical assistanceto our key account customers, this is our historical activity. Moreover, we are reactive and attentive to our client companies, our services are personalized and adapted. Our priority is to understand your needs and ensure your 100% satisfaction. To do this, our profiles are recruited for their technical and business skills. We offer training to our consultants in order to guarantee a state of the art intervention.
2 Fixed price offer (Digital Factory)
As for the fixed-price offer, the ESN has an obligation of results in accordance with the specifications, also called CDC. The digital services company must meet the deadlines set by the client. Both parties sign a service contract. Within Citech, we have decided to diversify our offer by opening our Digital Factory in 2020 in Dijon. This is a fixed-price offer, our experts carry out your digital projects in accordance with your specifications while respecting deadlines and requirements. In addition, within our Digital Factory we have concentrated our know-how in agile project methodology, in DevOps thanks to a Software Forge and by capitalizing on the state of the art in terms of application architecture. We are omnipresent on the national territory with four agencies in metropolises such as Paris, Dijon, Lyon and Aix-en-Provence. We also have sales offices in other major cities such as Strasbourg, Lille, Rennes and Nantes.
Why use an ESN?
The ESN (SSII), are companies specialized in IT, they therefore have specialized knowledge to carry out your various projects.
Their main role is toto accompany companies in the development of a digital project such as the creation of a website, maintenance, the implementation of a cybersecurity strategy... The ESNs are therefore endowed with an important versatility (thanks to the plurality of the consultants' profiles within its organization). In addition, they are able to provide a quality follow-up to both the client company and the consultant.
We have within our company, expert consultants in the following fields: OpenSource, HRIS, Microsoft technologies, project management, and many others. Our HR department ensures the professional development of our consultants and makes it a point of honor to perfectly meet the expectations of our client companies.
At Citech, values are important
The three pillars of our company are our fundamental values: benevolence, fulfillment and finally the spirit of conquest. It's not just words that we proudly write everywhere, no, it's much more than that! We live these values and put them into practice in our relationships with our consultants, our employees and our clients.
Synonymous with listening and consideration, benevolence is a founding value of our company. Moreover, our work environment combines well-being and performance. It is an environment conducive to professional growth and the achievement of high quality work.
Furthermore, we have the ambition to succeed and to continue to grow alongside you. To become a reference in our field while keeping the humanity that binds us to each other.
If you have a project or a need within your company, we are the ESN you need. Contact us, our experts will accompany you with professionalism to achieve your goals!
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